Quotes of the Day

Monday, May. 09, 2011

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There's a lot of odd Photoshopping going on with the now-iconic photo of U.S. officials being updated on the bin Laden raid. But this one by Di Tzeitung, the ultra Orthodox Hasidic Jewish newspaper, might just take the prize.

Yep, those are big dark smudges where Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Counterterrorism Director Audrey Tomason should be. The officials were wiped from the picture in line with the newspaper's editorial policy of never publishing pictures of women, because they could be considered sexually suggestive.

The paper could potentially get in trouble, because the official photo was made available for reprinting under the condition that "the photograph may not be manipulated in any way." (via Jezebel, Jewish Week and Failed Messiah)

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  • Christy Choi
Photo: Failed Messiah / Critical Minyan